Effects and uses of Hypnosis

Hypnosis can be understood as a state of mind, corresponding to a natural mode of functioning of the brain, and as a method of inducing oneself or people to enter that state.

Hypnosis therefore really exists and I will talk to you today, what it really is and how you can do to take advantage of its enormous benefits for:

  • your well-being
  • learning

Get into the ideal state for achieving your goals http://francescasipma.com

You can also experience the wonderful state of well-being by downloading and listening to the audio of mine.

The state of hypnotic trance

Trance is a noun that derives from the French transe which means ecstasy, rapture and from the Latin transire that is to pass, to pass.

It is just another way to indicate that state of mind, that condition in which any of us find ourselves, every day, even several times, when trying, voluntarily or involuntarily, to retrieve memories from the Long Term Memory or to imagine something that does not it still happened.

It is a sensation that I find beautiful, of lightness and full communion with oneself.

Hypnosis, therefore, can be understood as a state of consciousness , or even a means , such as meditation , to induce a mental condition that corresponds to a specific frequency of the brain waves.

States of consciousness

The typical state of hypnosis is the Alpha one , corresponding to an electrical activity of the brain with a frequency between 7 and 14 Hertz or even deeper such as Theta or Delta with even lower frequencies.

It is a state that I would define as magical in which you are in direct contact with your unconscious without barriers. It is what you are in when you are totally immersed in your thoughts, like when you are in the flow, the optimal experience , or like the one in which children are immersed while playing when they invent imaginary stories with puppets or dolls.


Types of hypnosis

There are several types and ways to experience a trance state including hypnosis:

  • spontaneous
  • classical
  • Ericksonian
  • Spontaneous hypnosis

Some time after that seminar, during a coaching session with a person, while I was also explaining to her what hypnosis was and what its advantages, she suddenly turned her gaze away saying:

What are you doing to me?

and then explaining to me that he had experienced a strange and pleasant sensation never experienced before.

Well – I told myself – how strange

yet I hadn’t even begun to apply the induction technique.

That same evening I told what happened to my son, explaining to him what reaction that person had had, and he, blinking, said to me:

Dad, the same thing is happening to me too.

Oh, oh.  In reality, for both of them, it had happened that, unknowingly, I was the first to go into a hypnotic state, favoring the empathic induction of the other person and of my son.

By Mikael