mammogram near me in New Jersey

A mammogram is an X-ray of the breast that looks for early signs of cancer. They are done on women who have no symptoms but are used to trying and detecting cancer before a person notices any changes in their body.

Mammograms are an important tool for detecting breast cancer. They can help find cancers early when they’re easier to treat. That’s why the American Cancer Society recommends that women start getting mammograms at age 40 and have them every year.

Mammograms use low-dose x-rays to create images of the breasts. The images can show tumors or other changes in the breast tissue. This can help doctors diagnose breast cancer early when it’s more likely to be cured.

There are some risks associated with mammogram near me in New Jersey, but they are small compared with the benefits of early diagnosis. For example, there is a very small chance of getting radiation exposure from a mammogram. But the risk of dying from breast cancer is much greater than the risk of radiation exposure.

Mammograms typically hurt less than other medical tests done with a needle or a sharp instrument because they use very little radiation to produce images. The amount of radiation from a screening mammogram is about the same as what you get from a day in the sun at 10 am. Most radiologists do not recommend getting screened more often than every one or two years because too many exams can actually be harmful to your health instead of beneficial. There is also evidence suggesting that mammography may lead women to have additional unnecessary treatments, including surgery and radiation therapy.

mammogram near me in New Jersey

Mammograms are not perfect, but they are the best way we have to find cancer early. If you are over forty years old, it is important that you get a mammogram every year. Talk to your doctor about whether you need a mammogram if you are younger than forty or if you have any other risk factors for breast cancer. You may need to get a mammogram more often if you have a family history of breast cancer or if you have been diagnosed with breast cancer in the past.

When scheduling your mammogram appointment, be sure to ask your doctor which screening center offers digital mammography. Digital mammography is a newer technology that produces clearer images than traditional film mammography, and it may reduce the need for additional mammograms in certain cases.

By Mikael