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How books are created? First ideas and storylines are brainstormed by authors or writing individuals who pen their rough ideas and thoughts onto paper. Their creative thinking is the essence of any book as people wouldn’t read some random story or content that is not well constructed and not creative. People expect thrill, innovation, and something unique in the content they read. Now after the complete content is developed, it is provided to the editor for editing and these editors work with publication companies that help create and publish the book. Then the proof-readers analyse for any mistakes, grammatical errors, etc and designers make up the cover page for the book and are responsible for its look.

Now booklet printing in Evanston, IL is a process wherein an author converts their stories written onto paper into the form of a booklet. Book printing varies in each place and it has had a huge transition over the years. Now coming to its process, there are four major stages in converting written content to a form of publication. 1st Stage is the pre-press which is the arrangement of the content in proper order and that it is aligned in the sequence of page numbers including corrections or changes if required. The 2nd stage is the press stage where the content is printed on separate individual pages or the web with the help of offset or digital printers. Third is the post-press stage where the pages are glued together and trimmed to the desired stage. The last stage is binding where the book is bound together by stitching through various means such as smyth sewn binding or adhesive tape binding. They are covered by either hardbound or soft bound material. Hardbound is where an additional dust jacket is put around the book for protection of the main cover which is hard due to the cardboard used and soft bound is where there is only one cover which is a little thick.

Types of Book Printing

  • Offset printing- most commonly found printing format where the ink is transferred metal plate onto a rubber sheet that is rolled onto a paper which is fed into the press.
  • Digital printing – this uses the help of a computer to develop the digital image content and graphic elements to be printed.
  • Print-on-demand is the publishing process where modernized technology is used to print and bind books as they receive each order which is a faster and cheaper way to print books as it is done by machinery.

By Mikael