Going Back to the Basics of Remedial Massage

Some people who are not used to massages think that they are all the same. They don’t know that there are different types of massages, and they are intended for various purposes. The most common of these are remedial massage and relaxation massage. Before you choose a particular one for yourself, find out what benefits you will derive from a remedial massage Melbourne.

Relaxation Massage

The primary purpose of a relaxation massage is to destress as well as to calm and relax the mind and physical body. Compared to remedial massage, it is less specific when it comes to pain relief, However, it still has therapeutic benefits, particularly since it eliminates stress from the body and mind. This massage is great for both mental and emotional health since not only does it come to mind; it also relaxes the nervous system.

Remedial Massage

The main purpose of a remedial massage is to provide remedy to the body. This kind of massage treats the body holistically, focusing on pain treatment, injury rehabilitation, and correcting structural dysfunctions. Remedial massage specialists conduct assessments and tests to determine the cause of your pain or postural dysfunction. Once the cause of the pain is determined, the massage will be focused around treating the muscles that bring pain, making the massage more tailored than the relaxation massage.

remedial massage Melbourne

Benefits of a Remedial Massage

There are several reasons why a remedial massage is beneficial to your health:

Blood flow stimulation

A remedial massage Melbourne therapy stimulates blood flow to the body tissues under treatment by enhancing the circulatory system. Improved blood flow to the area helps to hasten the healing process and repair the damaged tissues.

Helps in loosening tight and overworked muscles

Through a remedial massage, you will be able to rebalance the tone, tension, and length of the muscles. This is the type of massage that works on tight and highly overworked muscles. It also reduces spasms and helps in regenerating tissues.

Treats a large array of health disorders

Remedial massage may help in treating a huge variety of health disorders. These include the most common health issues like arthritis, sports injuries, muscle cramps, frozen shoulder, and whiplash. This is also largely helpful for those who suffer from insomnia, chronic pain, cerebral palsy, multiple sclerosis, muscular atrophy, and anxiety.

Reduces stress

One other excellent benefit of getting a remedial massage is its ability to reduce stress. A remedial massage helps promote a reduction in cortisol, the hormone produced when there is stress or pain. This type of massage also improves the levels of serotonin and dopamine. It also improves the mood, encourages relaxation, and relieves pain. A remedial massage may reduce both physical and emotional stress.

Improves the range of joint motion

A remedial massage may help improve joint mobility and at the same time restore one’s movement.

By Mikael