CBD For Sleeping

Everyone across the globe lauds CBD for its overall health benefits and effects on people suffering from depression and anxiety. Mental health is one of the world’s major concerns today, and CBD is the number one natural product in the market today that promotes mental wellness. CBD can be taken as pills, joints, vapes, oils, or even gummies. CBD gummies for sleep are one of the easiest ways and are way more discreet if you have kids at home.

CBD Gummies Variants in the Market

There are essentially two variants. Gummies that are specifically made for sleep have a bit of melatonin in them. Melatonin is the naturally occurring hormone that promotes sleep. Gummies with melatonin help regulate the circadian rhythm and promote good sleep. However, it is not safe to use in the long term. If you are suffering from a lack of sleep or restlessness, use gummies for about 4 to 8 weeks. Alternatively, if your symptoms are only mild, buy melatonin-free CBD gummies.

How Much Gummies to Take and When?

Several factors decide your ideal dosage and the time needed for it to affect your Body.

 It depends on your

Body Weight

If you are on the heavier side, you might need a higher dosage to feel the effect in your body, and it might take longer than others to show optimal results. Since people with more weight or fat in the body have a lower metabolism, it takes longer to digest, and the higher concentration might take time to be broken down.


The metabolism rate of your body plays a vital role in the dose you need and when to take it. Metabolism is the time the body takes to digest food and introduce nutrients into the bloodstream. People with higher metabolism feel the effect of CBD much faster than those with a slower metabolism. However, regular usage of CBD improves your metabolism rate and aids in digestion.

Empty Stomach or Full Stomach

Taking CBD on an empty stomach is more effective than taking it on a full stomach.  The non-CBD foods have to digest first. Hence it takes time. However, digesting the Gummies on an empty stomach is easier and gives faster results.

Therefore, on average, gummies take up to 30 mins to take effect, and the effect might last for up to 4-6 hours.


CBD promotes mental wellness and helps regulate sleep, and reduces anxiety. CBD for sleep is very effective, and soon you will be able to sleep without chewing Gummies, unlike sleeping pills. You can choose a brand of CBD gummies with or without melatonin based on the severity of your problem. Generally, it takes 30 minutes for the gummies to take effect, lasting up to 4-6 hours.

By Mikael